tHE RIGHT TO BE FORGOTTENIn the tension between information and privacy, “the right to be forgotten” is not an appropriate solution. We show that effective deletion is almost impossible (the eternity effect), and is unfair due to the resource burden it entails when users try to achieve it, while at the same time ensuring the potential benefits we can derive in the future from having personal information online. Collectively, we argue also that society is worse off because these circumstances lead people to construct sanitized personas while perpetuating a culture of distrust. Given that the harm is real, we describe technology, societal norms, and the implementation of an antidiscrimination directive for the right to a personal life, and we provide evidence on how anti-discrimination efforts in the past have succeeded
Skill OneGiven the pervasive fears about humans being replaced by machines, we have outlined a framework for thinking about the impact
of ICTs on employment. Considering the speed at which technology is evolving as well as the performance of technologies, our framework involves the impact of supply factors such as adoption of cost-reduction technologies, immediate and delayed substitutes, and the emergence of precarious labor based on digitally enabled work. Our framework also recognizes the emergence of new employment opportunities such as cloud services, data-related industries, security and privacy services, and new forms of digital and interactive entertainment. However, we also found that the number of new jobs may not be enough to absorb the losses due to ICTs. The solution, thus, is not to impede technological advances, but to motivate governments to implement policies such as side payments, training, and the reduction of work hours to ensure that as many people as possible can share in growing prosperity while maintaining robust aggregate demand in the mass market. |
Skill TwoSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusant doloremque laudantium, totam rem.
Skill ThreeSed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusant doloremque laudantium, totam rem.